Training Classes
Choose from a wide range of dog training and obedience classes in Sacramento, California.
Training classes start for puppies as young as 8 weeks old.
Availability Update
Private Training and Care, Board and Train are currently available. Check back soon for updates on scheduling other classes!
Our Dogs
Visit our Keeshonden — dogs that reside with us, dogs we co-own and dogs owned by friends and extended family.
Our Collies aren’t just part of the family at home — they have made their statement in the show ring and passed screening for inherited problems and temperament.
Handling at Dog Shows
Proven results in all 7 groups.
As your agents, our business is to achieve the highest amount of success with your dog as possible.

Photo Galleries
Enjoy our collection of photos, including dogs we have had the privilege to show, raise and train here at Summerwind.