Basic Manners Class – Thursdays Starting 06/18/2020


Thursdays 5:45-6:45pm, June 18, 25, July 16, 23, 30, August 6

Ages 16 weeks and older. Just finished the puppy series? Want to start training and bonding with your new companion the right way? Jean will give you general understanding about how a dog thinks. This helps training become easy for the human and, in effect, helps make training easy for the dog to learn. Often, it can be tough trying to control those testing teenagers. Behavior problem solving, impulse control, barking, jumping, counter surfing, obedience such as, come, heel, sit and down stay, watch me, no jumping, go to bed, leave it. Teach your dog to come when called with enthusiasm and no matter the distraction! Lessons are one hour per week for 6 weeks.

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